If you’ve decided to start your own business and become your own boss, congratulations! I did this myself in 2013, and I’ve never felt more professionally fulfilled, excited, and engaged in my life.
You’re in for a wild ride full of highs and lows. The highs are incredible–that feeling of creating something from nothing, building your dream. However, the lows can be crippling. Being uncertain whether you can find enough work, wondering if your existing clients will be happy, questioning whether you have a right to do this work at all!
Some of the biggest challenges of being a business owner have been dealing with my own self-limiting beliefs. Wrestling with that voice inside me that seems to be constantly weighing in and second-guessing everything I do.
As a self-employed business owner, I’m often my own worst enemy.
Fast Company Leadership recently asked me to share what mindset shifts I had to make after leaving the corporate world so I could be successful as a small business owner. I describe how my beliefs about credibility, self-worth, and success all had to change–probably for the better.
Check out my full article on the 3 self-limiting beliefs I had to overcome, featured in Fast Company.