Feeling especially blue on this “Blue Monday?” The third Monday of January has been coined the gloomiest day of the year, which may be especially true for you if you don’t exactly love your job, colleagues of line of work. I connected with a few workplace experts who share six ways you can effectively deal with the dissatisfaction you may be feeling at work so you can look forward to your Mondays again.
When it comes to social media, you’ll want to build your brand. That way, people know who you are, what you stand for, and understand your company on a social media level. But, what ways work the most? Read on to find out! 1. Update Your Current Social Media If you haven’t already, make sure […]
Being visible is critical to building a strong personal brand for yourself. Here are 4 simple ways to raise your professional visibility, build your credibility, and open up more career opportunities for yourself.
I was 23 and hungry for a job. Unemployment was high and the economy was only beginning to recover from the Great Recession. But the city was buzzing, not with traditional jobs from corporations per se but with digital marketing jobs from startups, specifically those around the Flatiron neighborhood of Manhattan (also known as Silicon […]
Self-employment involves more than just building a business a useful service or product from scratch. It involves maintaining a positive, productive mindset so you can keep growing your business when the going gets tough. Here are two ways I’ve stayed on track during my own self-employment journey.
Do you feel under-appreciated at work? Are promotions passing you by? Are your talents and hard work being overlooked? Perhaps you are confident that you are providing great service to your company, based on your abilities and work record, but are wondering why your managers and peers never recognise you? Perhaps the perception others have […]