When I was thinking about leaving the corporate world to start my own business, one of the hardest things to figure out exactly what to do next. I had been feeling a bit detached from my work, and I wasn't sure exactly what that meant I should do. I still liked aspects of my marketing role, [...]
Exactly two years ago, I left my corporate marketing job behind. The kind of job that actually looked pretty decent on paper—nice salary, comfy corporate office, fancy job title, and the automatic reputation that comes with working for a blue-chip corporation. The kind of job you’re “supposed” to have after you finish your MBA, one [...]
Q&A with Ben de Grouchy, Recruiter & Co-Founder of the de Grouchy Partnership, London For many years, I didn’t know a thing about how to work with recruiters, mostly because I hadn’t really crossed paths with them until I was several years into my professional career. The first time I was ever contacted by a […]
Last month, I gave myself a whole month off from work. That’s right. A whole month. My wife and I went to Japan, my favourite country in the world. We took the picture above in one of the many beautiful Japanese gardens in the Nanzenji Temple area of Kyoto. Then, we went to Taiwan to meet […]
The holidays are a time when you get a chance to reflect on your life, including your career–how happy you’re feeling, how satisfied you are with your direction, and whether you’re in the right role. Perhaps you’ve been thinking about making a move for a while. How can you tell if the time has come […]
A follow-up note to my “Developing Your Personal Brand” workshop I delivered at the Cambridge Judge Business School. This past Friday, I hosted a series of Personal Branding workshops for the Cambridge Business School focused on defining what you stand for in your career & life. We covered 3 topics: the characteristics of strong consumer […]