Find out why including a LinkedIn Cover Story video on your profile can help you stand out to recruiters, and discover some useful tips on how best to record your video.
Changing careers is not just about reshaping your narrative or resume. Nor is it just about figuring out what you want to do next. It’s about adopting an empowering mindset that serves you as you’re embarking on a nontraditional career path, which may be very different from the mindset you need when following a more […]
When it comes to changing careers, there’s no shortage of advice out there about how to network, write a better cover letter, or redraft your resume. However, executing a major career change involves so much more than just the practical logistics of changing sectors, roles, or organizations. To successfully mare a brave leap, you have […]
Some of the most common oversights when it comes to building and reinforcing a strong personal brand.
Is moving because of your work worth it? There are many pros and cons that come with any career path. You may be offered a new job away from where you are currently located. Deciding whether or not to accept the opportunity isn’t easy. In order to make the right choice for yourself, go through […]
With the Great Resignation upon us and the biggest spike* in the number of Americans quitting their jobs on record, many people find themselves in between jobs right now. However, if you’ve been in an extended transition because your next job hasn’t panned out as quickly as you had hoped, you may be tempted to […]