Earlier this week, I was doing my regular morning swim. I don’t always swim in the “fast” lane because I’m definitely not the best swimmer out there, but I did today because it was the emptiest lane and because I felt like pushing myself a bit. Another guy was also in the fast lane, someone […]
Whenever you make a major career change, it forces you to reassess who you are and what you stand for in your career and life. Once you figure out what really matters to you, the possibility of doing work you find truly meaningful can become a reality. But making a major change isn’t easy. It […]
Get a realistic look into what it takes to reinvent your career and navigate the emotions of change. Register to attend today.
Career change is often misunderstood. Whenever I’ve walked away from one job to pursue another, some people have called me a quitter. Others questioned whether I would ever figure out what I wanted to do. Still others were confused why I couldn’t just be content with the job I had, even if I didn’t love [...]
Anytime you make a major change in your life, you’re going to face some self-doubt. Especially among career changers, stepping away from a traditional, linear career means can’t always fall back on years of experience in a role, a steady track record of promotions, or a relevant set of experiences that demonstrate the types of skills you’re […]
So the third Monday in January is widely seen as the gloomiest day of the year, which happens to be today, January 16, 2017. The third Monday is often the time when the highs from the holidays start to wear off, the daily grind from work is back in full swing, and the bad winter weather […]