Changing careers requires a totally different mindset than maintaining a more traditional, linear career path. In my own life, I’ve found that making a successful career change involves not only overcoming the practical hurdles of starting over, but also the mental hurdles of walking away from the stability of maintaining the status quo. In this […]
As someone who left the corporate world to start my own business a few years ago, I’ve had my fair share of dealing with imposter syndrome, not only hearing many stories of my clients’ struggles with this as they change careers, but also (and especially), managing my own struggles with feeling like a fraud at […]
Career change is never easy. It involves starting over and walking away from a profession you’ve inevitably invested a lot of time into, not to mention having to try and explain your non-traditional career path to those people who favor professionals with traditional, linear career paths. Over the past few years of coaching clients and […]
Perhaps you are burned out or bored, or you have reached your limits at your current company, so now you are looking for a change of environment. Before you submit your resume or CV to multinational companies, top recruiting agencies in the country and online portals, take a few moments to reflect and assess the […]
A few weeks ago, I hosted a personal branding workshop for some executives, and I was asked a few questions about LinkedIn recommendations: Do LinkedIn recommendations even matter? How many LinkedIn recommendations do I need? Can you have too many LinkedIn recommendations? In short, yes, LinkedIn recommendations can make a positive difference to your online [...]
For millennials who have been told over time that they can be anything and do everything that they want, there is always that added pressure of finding the future of their dreams, as though by reaching the “adult” age somehow suddenly life would just fall into place and you get to know what it is […]