Amidst the ever-increasing sea of online blogs, YouTube videos, podcasts, and business publications offering career advice, I’ve actually found some of the most useful career guidance to come from people who aren’t directly linked to my professional sector of career consulting and public speaking.
Over the past five years of running my own business, I’ve really enjoyed my self-employment journey. However, the solopreneurship journey can be confusing at times, and without colleagues to turn to or an immediate manager or mentor by my side, I’ve found myself turning instead of people in my personal life whom I know and trust–people I know have my back and can provide me with balanced perspectives.
Read my full Forbes article to find out the three questions my close friends and family have posed to me that I’ve found incredibly clarifying whenever I’ve been uncertain where to take my business.
Find Out The 3 Key Questions I Ask Myself When Making Career Decisions